CTO Forum

Segment - Strategy: Leading with AI / Technology Management Series Curriculum

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to transform industries and disrupt business models, organizations must adapt to remain competitive.

AI powered automations presently boost organizational efficiency, can provide actionable insights from big data, enables mass personalization, supports innovation initiatives, and enhances decision-making helping to solve complex problems.

As evidenced by the voices of prominent researchers Andrew Ng and Yann LeCun, along with numerous respected research institutions, AI must become incorporated holistically into strategic planning processes to improve and accomplish organizational objectives. By strategically leveraging AI technologies, organizations can gain a competitive edge and be positioned to further succeed in the increasingly AI-driven world. Overall, mastering AI is critical for leaders to effectively navigate the opportunities and challenges of the AI revolution, drive business transformation, and lead their organizations to success in the digital age.

This segment of the Technology Management Series focuses on developing strategies, business models, and operating models that leverage the power of AI.

Participants will explore:

  1. AI-driven Strategy Development: Learn how to integrate AI into your organization’s strategy and create a roadmap for success.
  2. AI-enabled Business Models: Discover how AI can transform your business model and create new opportunities for growth, and
    deliver competitive differentiators.
  3. AI-optimized Operating Models: Learn how to redesign your operating models to leverage the benefits of AI and drive operational excellence.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the impact of AI on your industry and how to adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • Identifying new business opportunities enabled by AI and developing innovative business models.
  • Optimizing operating models to leverage the benefits of AI and drive efficiency.
  • Developing a comprehensive AI implementation plan that aligns with your organization’s strategic objectives.
  • Understanding the risks and challenges associated with AI implementation and how to mitigate them.